I came across the following note on the Internet. "Physicists Laura Mersini-Houghton and Harald Pfeiffer have suggested that
that black holes don't exist. The Englishwoman and the Canadian presented the results of their research in two preprints available on the resource arXiv.org.
A brief summary of the work can be found on the website of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA).
Scientists have tried to show by theoretical and computer calculations that the evolution of massive objects will not reach the stage of black hole formation.
According to their hypothesis, a dying heavy star will lose mass along with the radiation, which will not allow it to shrink to form a black hole.
The completion of the evolution of the star, in the view of the authors, will end with its expansion and explosion. (End quote from
I tried to solve a simple problem, to calculate to what radius it is necessary to compress the Sun so that it turns into a black hole, but taking into account the mass defect
associated with an increase in the gravitational binding energy during compression. After the compression, the mass of the sun will be
where U is the gravitational binding energy, for a ball it is calculated by the formula
next, we substitute M, taking into account U, in the equation for the Schwarzild radius
The resulting equation is transformed into a square equation with respect to R
Its disriminant is equal to
Wow! The discriminant is less than zero, the equation has no solution, the star cannot collapse into a black hole.
It may be objected to me that if we are talking about a black hole, then we cannot use Newton's theory, but we must use GR.
The answer is that the Schwarzild radius is calculated from Newton's theory, if you equate the speed of light to the second cosmic speed.
And then I will show that there is an error in GRT, after correcting which there will be no black holes in GRT in principle.