Nature is designed so that sometimes its most difficult questions are answered
you can find extremely simple answers.
Take, for example, the Big Bang theory, which explains the origin of the Universe and its expansion.
It has a lot of white spots and difficult questions that have no answers:
"How could the universe arise from a point of infinite density where space and time did not exist?"
"What caused the Big Bang?"
"What happened before the Big Bang?"
"Where is the source of the Universe's expansion energy?"
"Why can't we find the center of the expansion of the Universe?"
"Will the expansion of the Universe end, and if it does, when?"
"Why is there no antimatter in the Universe, or if there is, where is it hidden?"
- What was the cause of hyperinflation of the Universe at the beginning of the Big Bang?
"How do black holes work?"
"Are there white holes in the Universe, and if so, where?"
"Why do stars in galaxies rotate at the same angular velocity?"
"What is beyond the Universe?"
To answer all these questions, it is necessary to adequately describe grpavitation in the first place.
Currently, the generally accepted theory of gravity is the General
the theory of relativity, but it can't answer some questions and doesn't agree well with quantum mechanics.
A real breakthrough in the understanding of gravity can be the quantum theory of gravity.Yanchilina,
to get acquainted with which you can
with the formula
according to which, the square of the speed of light at a given point in space is equal to the gravitational potential at a given point in space with a minus sign.
Gravity in this theory is not described as a curvature of space-time, but as a restriction of quantum fluctuations.